

An image showing 182,615 patients were assisted, and $530.7 million contributions were reported.

In 2018, the PAN Foundation reported contributions of $530.7 million. Since PAN was established in 2004, contributions have consistently represented more than 90 percent of the PAN Foundation’s total support and revenue.

These contributions enabled the PAN Foundation to provide financial assistance to over 180,000 patients through nearly 70 disease-specific assistance programs during 2018.

For more detailed information and to view our 990 tax return and financial statements in their entirety, visit our financials on the PAN website.


Total 2018 Expenses

A graph showing the breakdown of expenses in 2018.

Fundraising: 0.2%

Administrative: 1.5%

Other program expenses: 2.1%

Co-pay expenses: 96.2%

In 2018, the PAN Foundation recorded total expenses of $364.6 million. Here is a total breakdown of our 2018 expenses:

  • 96.2 percent of these expenses is associated with co-pay assistance.
  • 2.1 percent is associated with other program expenses, including fees for program operations, patient determinations and related services.
  • Administrative and fundraising expenses accounted for 1.5 percent and 0.2 percent of total expenses, respectively.
  • For the last nine years, less than one penny of each dollar contributed to the PAN Foundation has been spent on fundraising.

NOTE: Administrative expenses include investment management fees, which are netted against investment income in audited financial statements.